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Student Spotlight: Maya Transforms Into a Peer Leader
“This school is a God-send,” says Tania, whose daughter Maya is a happy high schooler at Connections. Early in Maya’s life, Tania...
Amy Thompson
Jan 23, 20245 min read

Meet Our New Board Member — Tony Greene
We are delighted to announce a new addition to our Board of Directors for Connections Education Center — Anthony Greene, or Tony as we...
Amy Thompson
Dec 20, 20232 min read

Student Spotlight: Isaiah Connects in the Right Environment
Isaiah is a spirited Kindergartener who struggled in traditional programs due to his lack of speech, hyperactivity and behavior...
Amy Thompson
Dec 18, 20234 min read

Student Spotlight: Samy’s Triumph – A Journey of Growth Leading to Mainstream Schooling
Samy has grown up at Connections. Now in his final year of middle school, Samy may be headed to a mainstream high school thanks to the...
Amy Thompson
Nov 14, 20233 min read

Student Spotlight: Why AJ’s Mom Drives 120 Miles a Day for His School
AJ is a highly intelligent, long-time Connections student who is now thriving in high school. Before Connections, he attended a public...
Amy Thompson
Oct 17, 20234 min read

Student Spotlight: Jaiden Thrives at Our School, Which His Mom Calls “Heaven Sent”
“This school is heaven sent,” says Marcia, mom of Connections 6th grader Jaiden who has autism. She credits the Connections team for...
Amy Thompson
Sep 21, 20234 min read

Student Spotlight: Unlocking Chamia-Marie’s Potential
As Chamia-Marie begins her second year at Connections, she’s a fun-spirited Kindergartner who interacts with other students, feeds...
Amy Thompson
Aug 24, 20233 min read

Student Spotlight: Mikayla -- How CAP Changed Uncertainty to Optimism for this High School Graduate
As graduation neared for Mikayla, her family worried about what would come next for her. She still needed structure and support, but she...
Amy Thompson
May 15, 20233 min read

Student Spotlight: How Kylen Is Learning to Communicate and So Much More
After difficult years at other schools followed by two years of homeschooling, Kylen is happy at Connections where his communications...
Amy Thompson
Apr 18, 20233 min read

Student Spotlight: Luna -- From Isolation and Disinterest to Hugs and Smiles
“Connections has made an insanely huge difference for Luna,” says her mom Donna Fletcher. “We’ve seen an amazing amount of progress in...
Amy Thompson
Mar 29, 20234 min read

How Does Music Impact the Brain?
“Music stimulates so many parts of the brain at the same time in a way that other things can’t imitate,” says Lisa Leonard, an...
Amy Thompson
Feb 22, 20234 min read

Connections Partners With the Special Olympics -- Here’s What That Means for Our Students
Sports deliver a lot of benefits for children -- from motor skill development and coordination to fitness and cognitive skills. Sports...
Amy Thompson
Jan 24, 20232 min read

Student Spotlight: Kaitlyn Achieves One Milestone After Another at Connections
Kaitlyn Morales developed on schedule until 16 months of age when she regressed significantly and was diagnosed with autism. She also...
Amy Thompson
Dec 15, 20225 min read

Gratitude Makes Life Better
In this season of thanksgiving, our leadership team shares what they're most thankful for. Debra Johnson Executive Director & Principal...
Amy Thompson
Nov 21, 20222 min read

Student Spotlight: Noah -- A 180-Degree Change Reconnects a Family and Their Son
Noah was born in New York and met many of his development milestones early on. His family was excited to welcome a warm, cheerful baby...
Amy Thompson
Nov 17, 20223 min read
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